Hommage Franu Veselu / Homage to Fran Vesel, 2015, barvni linorez na čitalnem pultu in fotokopija rakopisa Frana Vesela / colour linocut on a reading counter and a photocopy of the manuscript by Fran Vesel (vir / source: rokopisna zbirka NUK / National and University Library, manuscript collection), velikost grafike / print size: 24 x 100 cm, Galerija ZDSLU / ZDSLU Gallery, Ljubljana, foto / photo: Lucijan Bratuš
Fran Vesel, slovenski fotograf, zbiralec in ljubitelj umetnosti z začetka 20. stoletja je svoje kavarniške pogovore z umetniki skrbno beležil. Enega takih sem izbrala za svoj inspirativni vir, saj sem se želela približati njegovemu načinu razmišljanja in zapis nekako prevesti v vizualni jezik. Tako sta sopostavljena njegov in moj zapis. Moj ni beseden, temveč ga tvori govorica barvnih ploskev, sorazmerij in njihovih medsebojnih interakcij. Izpostaviti sem želela premislek o obeh govoricah; verbalni in vizualni. O pozornosti , ki jo vsaki namenjamo, o njuni sporočilnosti in splošni razumljivosti.
Povod za nastanek dela je bilo povabilo k sodelovanju na razstavi Hommage Franu Veselu.
Fran Vesel, Slovenian photographer, collector and art lover from the beginning of the 20th century, made careful records of his coffee house conversations with artists. I chose one of those as my inspirational source as I wanted to approach his way of thinking and somehow translate the record into visual language. In such a way, his and my record are juxtaposed. My piece is not made of words, but is formed through the visual language of colour planes, proportions and mutual interactions. My aim was to highlight a reflection on both types of language; verbal and visual. On the attention that is given to each, on their communicative and general ability to be understood.
The impetus for making the piece came in the form of an invitation to participate in the Homage to Fran Vesel exhibition.
Mojca Zlokarnik